[Gbif-europe] CESP idea: EU reporting on Biodiversity

André Heughebaert a.heughebaert at biodiversity.be
Tue Jan 17 12:01:47 CET 2017

Dear European Node Managers,

I want to share my idea for a 2017 mentoring project around *GBIF role 
in EU reporting mechanisms, current state and perspectives*. /

/EU reporting on Biodiversity issues is often a grey zone for us as GBIF 
nodes are rarely directly involved in the reporting mechanisms.

/The aim of this project would be to inventorize how these national 
reports////are made ////(Birds/Habitats Directives, Water Framework 
Directive//and IAS Regulation)// and how GBIF nodes could potentially 
help and facilitate these national reports?

/In a *first phase*, each participant will separately://

  * /Study national biodiversity reporting process
  * /Identify stakeholders and existing data flows/
  * /Assess the role of GBIF Node in this process, if any
  * /Identify new potential Data Publishers

/In a *second phase*, the project will ://

  * /Compare national processes and summarize best practices/
  * /Investigate how GBIF could ease EU reporting in various countries
  * /Recommend changes to GBIF tools/procedures, if needed/

If you're interested by such proposal, or if you think it is worthless 
effort, please contact me.
To all, my very best wishes for 2017,
Ir Andre Heughebaert
Belgian Biodiversity Platform <http://www.biodiversity.be>
+32(0)2238 3796
Av. Louise 231 Louizalaan
B-1050 Brussels ORCID 0000-0002-7839-5300 
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