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Dear European Node Managers,<br>
Welcome the GBIF-europe mailing list!<br>
As European Nodes Representative (and moderator of this mailing
list) I will use it to broadcast messages to European GBIF Nodes
(both Countries or Associated Participants). <br>
To post to this list, send your message to: <a
I do not expect more than one or two messages per month.<br>
This communication tool does not replace our <a
Site Nodes of Europe Group</a>. It merely aims to simplify our
emails exchange and make them persistent. All messages will indeed
automatically be archived by Mailman.<br>
To unsubscribe from Gbif-europe, get a password reminder, or change
your subscription options, visit <a
Mailman pages</a>.<br>
Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact <a
href="mailto:aheugheb@ulb.ac.be">me</a> directly.<br>
With my best regards,<br>
Andre Heughebaert<br>