[Invasive-species] Survey on invasive plants and horticulture in Belgium

Mathieu Halford mhalford at ulg.ac.be
Wed Feb 16 15:29:32 CET 2011

Dear colleagues and members of the BFIS,

Please find attached the results of our socio-economic survey on 
invasive plants and ornamental horticulture in Belgium. This survey 
was performed within the frame of the AlterIAS project.

A simplified version shall be soon translated in French and Dutch.

Have a nice reading

Best regards,
Mathieu Halford, for the AlterIAS project
Website: www.alterias.be

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Ing. M. Halford
Unit? Biodiversit? & Paysage   /    Biodiversity & Landscape Unit
D?partement For?ts, Nature et 
Paysage   /   Forest, Nature and Landscape Department

Universit? de Li?ge
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (GxABT)
Passage des D?port?s, 2
5030 Gembloux
T?l. : 081/62.22.40
Fax : 081/61.48.17
Mail : mhalford at ulg.ac.be  

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