[Invasive-species] Invitation - Kylie Ireland (Csiro - Australia) meets the Belgian Forum on IAS 19/09

Sonia Vanderhoeven s.vanderhoeven at biodiversity.be
Wed Jul 13 11:01:38 CEST 2016

Dear colleagues,

*Kylie Ireland* is a postdoctoral research scientist at the CSIRO in
Canberra (Australia) investigating "Pathways and Risk Assessment Framework
for High Impact Species" (PRAFHIS), supported by the Plant Biosecurity
Cooperative Research Centre (PB CRC).

The *Belgian Forum on Invasive Species* is delighted to invite you at Belspo
<https://www.belspo.be/belspo/organisation/contact_fr.stm> on *Monday 19th
September* from 10:00 to 12:00 to join an informal meeting where Kylie will
present us her work.

The PRAFHIS project aims to develop an empirically based and validated
prioritisation process for identifying future high impact pests of plant
production in Australia New Zealand, by examining past pest incursions and
analysing the magnitude of pest impacts in relation to their biological
traits and pathways.

May I ask you to fill in the following link for registration :

Looking forward to meet you during this event of the Belgian Forum on IAS,

Sonia Vanderhoeven

Dr Sonia Vanderhoeven

Science Officer
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
www.bi <http://www.biodiversity.be>odiversity.be

Direction de la Nature et de l'Eau
Avenue de la Faculté, 22
B-5030 Gembloux

Tél : 081/620 438

ORCID : 0000-0002-6298-5373
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