[Belgianbif] Welcome to BelgianBIF mailing list

Andre Heughebaert aheugheb at ulb.ac.be
Fri Aug 9 09:16:56 CEST 2013

Dear colleague,

I would like to welcome you to the Belgian BIF mailing list.

This communication channel will be used by the Belgian GBIF Node to 
broadcast GBIF related messages.
We do not expect more than one or two messages per month.
You are in this mailing list because either you publish data to GBIF 
network or have shown interest to GBIF activities.
So far, subscribers of the list are Belgian Biodiversity researchers 
and/or Data Manager.

People are free to subscribe/unsubscribe to this mailing list but it is 
not intended for you to post new messages.
Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me 
<mailto:aheugheb at ulb.ac.be> directly.
Don't hesitate to forward BelgianBIF messages in your 
organisation/institution to whoever might be concerned.

With my best regards,
Andre Heughebaert

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