[Belgianbif] GB20: new GBIF portal and GBIO

Belgian GBIF Contact Group belgianbif at biodiversity.be
Tue Oct 15 11:06:30 CEST 2013

Dear Colleague,

Back from Berlin 20th GBIF Governing Board, there are two announcements 
that I would like to share with you:

 1. GBIF has launched its new portal <http://www.gbif.org> to ease the
    discovery and use of vast quantities of data on the diversity of
    life on Earth for researchers, policy makers and the general public.
    This portal combining data search and access with communication
    about the network was launched on Wednesday 9th October. Amongst
    other features, it offers *unlimited download* and *close to
    real-time indexing* of recently published datasets.
    Please visit our Belgium country page <http://www.gbif.org/country/BE>.
 2. The Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook(GBIO) sets out a
    framework to harness the immense power of information technology and
    an open data culture to gather unprecedented evidence about
    biodiversity and to inform better decisions.The framework is
    outlined in a document <http://www.gbif.org/resources/2251> and
    website <http://www.biodiversityinformatics.org/> entitled
    *Delivering Biodiversity Knowledge in the Information Age*, inviting
    policy makers, funders, researchers, informatics specialists, data
    holders and others to unite around four key focus areas where
    progress is needed: Culture, Data, Evidence & Understanding.

With my best regards,
Andre Heughebaert

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