[Belgianbif] New GBIF.org!

Belgian GBIF Contact Group belgianbif at biodiversity.be
Thu Aug 17 13:47:01 CEST 2017

Dear Belgian GBIF users,

I'm pleased to announce the new GBIF.org <http://www.GBIF.org> data portal,
previously available under demo.gbif.org URL.
If you have any questions or feedback don't hesitate to contact me directly
and/or use the feedback icon on the right end side of the menu.
Hoping you will appreciate the new features.
With my best wishes,
Ir Andre Heughebaert
Belgian Biodiversity Platform <http://www.biodiversity.be>
+32(0)2238 3796
Av. Louise 231 Louizalaan
B-1050 Brussels ORCID 0000-0002-7839-5300
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