[Belgianbif] Data user survey: help us assess the value of GBIF

Belgian GBIF Contact Group belgianbif at bebif.be
Thu Jun 23 15:28:20 CEST 2022

Dear member of the GBIF mailing list.

It would be of great help for GBIF if you could complete this survey!

Kind regards,


Dear GBIF colleagues,

Our collaboration plays an essential role in the value chain of
international biodiversity data and bridging data creation, research and
policy application.

In its Twenty-Year Review of GBIF <https://doi.org/10.35035/ctzm-hz97>
in 2020, CODATA offered a recommendation (#4a) to commission a targeted
study on "the monetary value of sharing biodiversity data and of the added
value that data infrastructures provide to it."

To that end, the Secretariat has recently commissioned Deloitte Access
Economics to assess the economic value and impact of the GBIF network, its
data and its services. I'm writing today to enlist your help in this effort.

Deloitte has prepared a survey
<https://surveyapac.deloitte.com/jfe/form/SV_23JpuX4LK0ofHim> that aims to
learn more about how biodiversity data users access and apply GBIF-mediated
data along with other views and experiences they have about any value they
gain from our services. *You can help us and improve the results of the
survey by distributing the survey within your own network of data users.*

The ideal respondents will already access GBIF's global services or your
own by downloading data, using an API, or accessing cloud-computing

*The survey will close on Sunday, 17 July 2022*, at 11.59pm GMT (UTC+1), so
if you're able, please help us circulate this survey
<https://surveyapac.deloitte.com/jfe/form/SV_23JpuX4LK0ofHim> in the coming

If you have any questions about this work or how best to share this with
your data user community, please contact us at communication at gbif.org. You
may direct specific questions about the survey to
gbifvaluationsurvey at deloitte.com.au.

Very best regards,



*Kyle Copas*

Communications Manager

+45 28 75 14 75 | office +45 35 32 14 75 | skype kylecopas

*GBIF Secretariat*

Universitetsparken 15

DK-2100 København Ø


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