[ECA] Planning for PESC-4
hilde eggermont
h.eggermont at biodiversity.be
Mon Mar 27 08:12:20 CEST 2017
Dear Agnes
Estelle & myself will take a look at the proposal later this week, and get
back to you asap!
Happy Monday,
2017-03-24 11:04 GMT+01:00 Spehn Eva <eva.spehn at scnat.ch>:
> Hi Agnes,
> thanks for the PESC-4 Concept note, its a very promising programme and
> great to see that the NFPs are now included as well. I am happy to
> facilitate a breakout group as a moderator, if you still need one :-)
> And also happy to let you know that we can provide travel money again for
> Participants of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 5000 Euros, as last year
> for PESC-3, from our travel expenses fund we have for Swiss IPBES experts.
> All best regards,
> Eva
> Am 23.03.2017 um 10:51 schrieb Agnes HALLOSSERIE <agnes.hallosserie@
> fondationbiodiversite.fr>:
> Dear all,
> Thank you for all the feedback provided regarding the organisation and
> content of PESC-4, that is very helpful!
> Please remember to register on this address if you plan to attend the
> conference so that we have the number of people right: http://www.
> fondationbiodiversite.fr/fr/fondation/evenements/divers.html
> Regarding the review work on the draft assessment and SPM, it will need
> good preparation indeed. We got a proposal by the IPBES Secretariat to join
> forces and to include the regional capacity-building workshop targeting
> NFPs for reviewing and preparing the approval of SPM in 2018 within PESC-4,
> since our objectives are well in line. This would be a form of partnership
> between IPBES and PESC, and a nice way to acknowledge PESC contribution to
> the implementation of IPBES work programme, including its rolling plan for
> capacity-building. The Secretariat highlighted that they are very keen to
> work with us on that regional matter, especially since the Plenary at its
> 5th session recalled several time that they should really build on and
> partner with existing initiatives.
> They will be able to provide us with support on how to conduct best the
> review for NFPs, and we could adapt from there to work with the other
> participants. We could have designed more general info sessions running in
> parallel with the break-out groups but I am afraid that it would scatter
> the group too much, with only a handful of participants per group. Instead,
> I suggest to design the break out sessions in an incremental fashion. As we
> have 3 sessions of 1.5 hours each, we could take some time in the first
> session to present the draft versions, identify key issues and challenges
> and therefore guide more closely the input from and discussion with
> participants, with the help of the assessment co-chairs and CLAs.
> We definitely have learned some lessons from last year (both in terms of
> reviewing the draft documents and discussing stakeholders needs) and we
> should keep it in mind when designing the sessions. If there is an issue or
> session you are particularly interested in, and if you would like to take
> over the organisation of that session, please let me know as soon as
> possible so that we can share the work! Note that there is a new session in
> the concept note about the organisers of the meeting, and if you intend to
> contribute more actively in the organisation of PESC but have not let me
> know yet, please shout :-) We will close registration after a last reminder
> next week and we will then look at the registered participants we can
> support for travel. We are still looking for additional funding to support
> travel for participants from Eastern Europe and Central Asia so please let
> me know if you can contribute, even if this is a small amount, it can allow
> one or two persons to attend.
> You can find attached the updated version of the concept note, with some
> changes following what happened at IPBES-5 and the discussions we had with
> IPBES Secretariat as mentioned above. *Could you please let me know if
> you have specific feedback by COB Friday 24 March (apologies for the short
> delay!)* so that the concept note can be submitted to the ECA assessment
> management committee when they meet next week? They will need to decide
> whether they can go ahead with the option of the capacity-building workshop
> being integrated within PESC-4.
> Thank you very much in advance and all the best,
> Agnes
> ****************************************************************
> Dr. Eva Spehn
> Forum Biodiversität Schweiz / Forum Biodiversité Suisse / Swiss
> Biodiversity Forum
> Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)
> Laupenstr. 7
> CH-3008 Bern
> Tel. +41 (0)31 306 93 42
> eva.spehn at scnat.ch <jodok.guntern at scnat.ch>
> www.biodiversity.ch
> ****************************************************************
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Dr. Hilde Eggermont - OD Nature, Royal Belgian Institute for Natural
Sciences <http://www.naturalsciences.be>, Belgium
Coordinator of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform
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