[ECA] You're invited to IPBES Belgian Uptake event (1 October 2018)
hilde eggermont
h.eggermont at biodiversity.be
Tue Aug 21 19:32:53 CEST 2018
*IPBES Belgian Uptake event*
the largest endeavour to date to assess the global state of nature and
human-nature relationships. Since the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment in
2005, scientific literature on biodiversity and ecosystem services has
quadrupled, and IPBES additionally assesses data from many local
assessments and indigenous and local knowledge. Recently, a plenary of over
100 states has adopted four regional assessments, generating major impact
on science and policy. And this is just the start. The global assessment,
and several other thematic ones are underway - as well as several capacity
building and policy support activities.
You are invited to the IPBES Belgian Uptake event
a one-day opportunity to learn and discuss about IPBES, its outputs, its
impact and future work. There will be substantial focus on the Europe and
Central Asia assessment (ECA assessment
and opportunities to discuss how to take actions in Belgium based on its
findings. You will also learn how you can engage in IPBES and you will meet
with several Belgian IPBES experts, and the ECA assessment Co-Chair.
Presentations, panel discussions, movies and participatory sessions (see
will be exciting. We would love you to be there. You are just a click away
from the guest list
Where? Herman Teirlinck building
When? 1st October 2018
For more information, contact Dr Hilde Eggermont
<h.eggermont at biodiversity.be>, National Focal Point to the
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services (IPBES)
Register now!
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Belgian Biodiversity Platform · 231 Avenue Louise
1050 · Belgium
*Hilde Eggermont*, PhD
Coordinator of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Vice-Chair of the BiodivERsA ERA-net <http://www.biodiversa.org/>/ IPBES
<http://www.biodiversity.be/ipbes> National Focal Point
Regional Councillor West Europe IUCN <http://www.biodiversity.be/iucn>
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (OD Nature
Mobile: (+32) 473-613675; Skype: hildeeggermont; LinkedIn:
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