[ECA] PESC-5 Pan-European stakeholder consultation for IPBES: 6-7 June in Bern, Switzerland. Registration is now open!
Angelique Berhault
a.berhault at biodiversity.be
Tue May 8 13:37:42 CEST 2018
Dear ECA-network colleagues,
ereby, I would like to kindly ask you to circulate the invitation for
PESC-5 within your networks
, using the following message:
*PESC-5 Pan-European stakeholder consultation for IPBES: 6-7 June in Bern,
Switzerland. Registration is now open! *
Dear colleagues,
he 5th
an-European stakeholder consultation for IPBES (PESC-5) meeting will take
6-7 June in Bern, Switzerland.
You can now register *online*
The meeting includes the official uptake event and celebration
the European & Central Asian (ECA) Regional Assessment on the first
morning. If you register for PESC-5, you are automatically registered for
this event.
*Objectives of the PESC-5 meeting and expected outputs:*
- Uptake of the IPBES Regional Assessment of Europe and Central Asia- share
experiences and strategies on uptake of findings and policy output of the
assessment in each country, and in different sectors.
- Discuss collectively the 2nd draft of the IPBES Global Assessment, and
collect comments to be submitted to IPBES as a stakeholders’ perspective
during the open review phase.
- Discuss and provide strategies and options for 2nd Work programme of
IPBES (2020-2030).
- Facilitate national coordination for IPBES (key stakeholders to be
involved, key activities, communication plan…) in willing countries by
sharing experience with existing platforms.
*Co-Organisers: *
Network-Forum for Biodiversity Research Germany (NeFo)
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (biodiversity.be)
<http://www.biodiversity.be/>Fondation pour la recherche sur la
biodiversité (FRB) <http://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/en/>
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN <http://www.bafu.admin.ch/>
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research <http://www.bmbf.de/>
<http://www.bmbf.de/>DLR Project Management Agency
Travel support for Eastern Europe and Central Asian participants will be
available for a limited number of participants, upon request in your online
registration. A hotel booking link will be available on the PESC-5 website
in the next few days.
We would be happy to welcome you in Bern in June!
For the organising team,
Eva Spehn
Dr. Eva Spehn
Forum Biodiversität Schweiz / Forum Biodiversité Suisse / Swiss
Biodiversity Forum
Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)
Laupenstr. 7
CH-3008 Bern
Tel. +41 (0)31 306 93 42
eva.spehn at scnat.ch
twitter:@biodiversityCH <https://twitter.com/biodiversityCH>
Many thanks,
*Angélique BERHAULT *
Communication Coordinator of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (*RBINS
<https://www.naturalsciences.be>* - OD Nature)
Rue Vautier, 29 - 1000 Brussels - BELGIUM
Tel: (+32)2 238 3612
*VIDEO About Us:* http://vimeo.com/114955193
*FOLLOW US on Twitter*: *Biodiversity_be*
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