[ECA] 20 years of Belgian Biodiversity Platform - brochure

hilde eggermont h.eggermont at biodiversity.be
Thu May 7 14:02:21 CEST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

After 20 years of being active, the time has come to look back at how
the Belgian
Biodiversity Platform <http://www.biodiversity.be> has evolved and how it
has enriched the landscape of biodiversity research and policy in Belgium
and beyond. We invite you to read about our activities and accomplishments
over the last 20 years in this brochure

Wishing you a pleasant reading, on behalf of the Platform team

*Hilde Eggermont*, PhD
Coordinator of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Vice-Chair of the BiodivERsA  <http://www.biodiversa.org/>Partnership
IPBES <http://www.biodiversity.be/ipbes> National Focal Point
IUCN <http://www.biodiversity.be/iucn> National Focal Point, and IUCN
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (OD Nature
Mobile: (+32) 473-613675; Skype: hildeeggermont; LinkedIn:

[image: 🌎]*Make a difference. Make your diet as plant-based as possible *
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