[Gbif-europe] comparing data access position across Europe
Hanna Koivula
hanna.koivula at helsinki.fi
Fri Nov 22 07:44:49 CET 2013
Dear all,
Sorry for spamming you with another issue. This subject is closely related &
Please answer the review questionnaire of the PSI directive TODAY, if you
already haven't! It may not be a very effective way of influencing the
national implementation of this directive, but let's give this a try ;)
We refer to the PSI Directive that was adopted back in 2003 and has been
revised in June 2013 (see modifications on:
ective-bring), to address the remaining barriers to re-use of public
information. As it is stated, the revision of the PSI Directive is one of
the key actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe, making public sector
information available on transparent, effective and non-discriminatory
terms. But in this context, many of CETAF Members (and other stakeholders as
well) have expressed their concerns on the final compliance of what it is
now defined as "open access data", their use and re-use, their availability,
when the source of data is a public funded institution.
The Commission is now inviting all stakeholders to a public hearing within
in a broader
ded-standard-licences-datasets-and-charging-re-use-public> public
consultation (
ed-standard-licences-datasets-and-charging-re-use-public) that seeks the
views of all stakeholders on specific issues to be addressed in 3 sets of
guidelines to be published next year (recommended standard licences,
datasets and charging for the re-use of PSI). The intention is to bring
about a more uniform set of practices across the EU, which are necessary for
the development of cross-border information products and services based on
public sector information.
Please, find attached herewith the QUESTIONNAIRE that should be completed by
next 22nd November, 2013. In this same respect, , be aware that the public
hearing will be held on 25 November 2013 from 10:00 to 16:30 at the
Euroforum building in 10, rue Stumper, 2557 Luxembourg, for those who would
like to attend, if possible
Key references:
2.5 core datasets
3. Licensing
4. Charges for re-use (other than marginal costs/level...)
5. an open box to communicate our current practices, our expectations and/or
our concerns.
With best regards,
Finnish Museum of Natural History - LUOMUS
Hanna Koivula
MSc, IT Specialist
GBIF Node Manager for Finland
P.O. Box 17 (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
Tel. +358 9 191 28621 / +358 50 415 4850
hanna.koivula at helsinki.fi
From: gbif-europe-bounces at biodiversity.be
[mailto:gbif-europe-bounces at biodiversity.be] On Behalf Of
Steve.Wilkinson at jncc.gov.uk
Sent: 21. marraskuuta 2013 17:19
To: gbif-europe at biodiversity.be
Subject: [Gbif-europe] comparing data access position across Europe
We have a debate running within the UK at the moment around data access. A
lot of the data we have mobilised has come from sources which are not
funded. So we have a lot of amateur naturalists who have collated records
for a taxonomic group and published these. The issue is that those that
collate the records are often reluctant to openly share these (even though
the original person who made the record might be happy for this to happen).
As a result many are not making it onto GBIF and where they do the providers
would like to really limit how the data can be used (through licensing). All
this is quite counter to the mission of GBIF.
We are beginning to challenge this a bit but one thing that would be really
useful to get a handle on is what the picture is like across Europe - ie.
how isolated is the UK. There are obviously some very good examples. Sweden
has been very successful through the on-line recording strategy. There are
also some examples at the other end where more commercial mechanisms are
limiting the publication to GBIF.
Mary Campling has very kindly agreed to take on a role of trying to get a
summary of the situation across Europe and will be contacting you
individually (we will use the contact details on the GBIF country pages
initially). I would be really grateful if you could spare her a few moments
just to paint a picture of what is happening in your country. The sorts of
things we would like to know are:
- Whether you are already engaging with the observational networks
within your countries (i.e. groups of naturalists with a general interest in
a taxonomic group that collate information on where the species have been
seen). Is so, which ones and are there any gaps.
- For these groups what is the general position on access? Are they
pretty open or are there concerns, for example, around using the data
commercially or for research. Also, are these reasons why more data are not
being shared.
- What if any public investment is there in these networks?
We will probably aim to do this over the next couple of months and then
circulate a summary back to this group.
Many thanks in anticipation for any input you can make
Best wishes
The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) is the statutory adviser to
Government on UK and international nature conservation, on behalf of the
Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru
(Natural Resources Wales), Natural England and Scottish Natural Heritage.
Its work contributes to maintaining and enriching biological diversity,
conserving geological features and sustaining natural systems.
JNCC SUPPORT CO. Registered in England and Wales, company no. 05380206.
Registered office: Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
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