[Gbif-europe] ALA Workshop in Autumn 2016

Cristina Villaverde villaverde at gbif.es
Thu Jun 2 13:10:15 CEST 2016

Dear EU Nodes,

One of the actions agreed during the last European GBIF Nodes Meeting in Lisbon was to arrange more coordination meetings around ALA. So I would like to announce that GBIF Spain in collaboration with GBIF France are organizing a workshop for software developers working in European GBIF Nodes who would be interested in developing a national data portal based on ALA that will take place in Madrid in September/October 2016.

We propose to organize a 5 days workshop: 3 days for "basic course" (ALA installation, and collectory, biocache and generic modules) with Santiago (GBIF Spain) and Marie Elise (GBIF France) as instructors; and 2 days for "advance course" with the ones with previous experience on ALA developments where Santiago could show the Species module and Marie Elise the Geospatial module. So participants could choose to stay the whole week or just attending the basic or advance course.

First of all, to find a date that suits the most of the countries interested in attending the workshop, I have created a doodle poll: http://doodle.com/poll/x2xvxannwb6dn7w6 . Please share your preferences there before June the 16th.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With best regards,


Cristina Villaverde
GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación         Tel. +34 91 4203017 extensión 170
Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC                     villaverde at gbif.es<mailto:villaverde at gbif.es>
Plaza de Murillo, 2                                   www.gbif.es<http://www.gbif.es/>  datos.gbif.es/<http://datos.gbif.es/>
28014 Madrid, Spain                               twitter.com/GbifEs<https://twitter.com/GbifEs>

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