[Invasive-species] Black and watch lists of invasive species inBelgium

Olivier BECK obe at ibgebim.be
Thu Feb 9 11:16:31 CET 2006

"That's why I would like to know if you are aware of scientific studies
showing any detrimental impact of those bird species in Belgium or in
neighbour areas."

The study I made in 2002 was about to collect all the existing information
about problems concerning invasive alien waterfowl species. See:
·	Beck, O.; Anselin, A., & Kuijken, E. 2002. Beheer van verwilderde
watervogels in Vlaanderen. Rapport van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud
2002.08. Brussel.

I think one could download this document on the INBO-website. 

And yes, the eradication of Branta canadensis is in progress in Flanders.

·	Beck, O. & Anselin, A. (2005). Beheer van verwilderde ganzenpopulaties
in Vlaanderen. Natuur.Oriolus. In press.

Olivier Beck

Invasive alien species in Belgium <invasive-species at biodiversity.be>
>Dear colleagues,
>I received several e-mails related to the inclusion or the exclusion of
>bird species in the black list/category A (e.g.  Alopochen aegyptiacus,
>Branta canadensis and Pisttacula spp.). Olivier Beck (IBGE-BIM) and Anne
>Weiserbs (AVES) suggest to include them in the list, mainly on the basis
>of the precautionary approach. One problem I see is that we do not have
>serious arguments to demonstrate that they are really detrimental to the
>environment, at least in the Brussels region (except noise and
>droppings). On the other hand, I know by Anny Anselin (INBO) that
>eradication of Branta candensis already started in Flanders... 
>My position is as follows : if detrimental impact is proved > category A,
>if detrimental impact is only supposed > category B. That's why I would
>like to know if you are aware of scientific studies showing any
>detrimental impact of those bird species in Belgium or in neighbour
>areas. Thanks a lot in advance,
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: [ mailto:E.Branquart at mrw.wallonie.be ]BRANQUART Etienne 
>To: [ mailto:invasive-species at biodiversity.be ]Invasive alien species in
>Cc: [ mailto:m.depoorter at auckland.ac.nz ]Maj De Poorter 
>Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 6:18 PM
>Subject: [Invasive-species] Black and watch lists of invasive species
>Dear All,
>I produced a first attempt of black and watch list of invasive species
>for Belgium (see word document here attached). Category definitions were
>modified to take into account remarks provided by Leo, Filip, Nora and
>Roger as much as possible ...
>We now have two main categories that include species with a potential
>impact on environment, public health or economy, i.e. black and watch
>lists. It has to be noted that I decided to include in the black list
>some species which are not yet really naturalised or do not develop large
>populations in Belgium but that are well known to produce detrimental
>impacts in neighbour areas (e.g. Aedes, Ambrosia, Ludwigia, etc.). I
>think it is important not to omit them so that our list can be used as a
>tool to eradicate the first populations of undesirable species soon after
>their arrival in Belgium, which is the most cost efficient way to get rid
>of them.
>The work file I used to categorise species is also attached (pdf file). 
>You will see that some species are still not included in any category as
>background information was missing... I hope I can rely on your own
>expertise on specific taxa to fill those gaps.
>I hope we will succeed to finalise these lists as a product of the
>Belgian Invasive Species Forum before the SOS invasions meeting (lists
>should be distributed to conference attendees !). Any remark, suggestion,
>addition to the discussion document are of course very welcome through
>the discussion list (general discussion) or through my e-mail address
>solely (minor remarks or corrections).
>Thank you in advance for your help. Have a very nice WE,
>PS: Few economic pest species are included in the lists up to now. Do you
>think it is feasible to add major culture pathogens and pests in the
>lists (including fungi, nematodes, etc.) ? Do you know if this
>information is already available somewhere (AFSCA ? EPPO ?...) ?
>Dr.  Etienne Branquart
>Belgian Biodiversity Platform (SPO)
>Ministere de la Region wallonne
>Centre de Recherche de la Nature, des Forets et du Bois (DGRNE)
>Avenue Marechal Juin, 23
>B-5030 Gembloux- Belgium
>Tel :   + 32 (0)81 620 420
>Fax :  + 32 (0)81 620 436
>E-mail : [ mailto:E.Branquart at mrw.wallonie.be ]E.Branquart at mrw.wallonie.be
>URL: [ http://www.biodiversity.be ]http://www.biodiversity.be
>Ce message n'engage aucunement la DGRNE et reste informel.  Tout courrier
>officiel doit toujours actuellement être confirmé par lettre et revêtu de
>signature d'un agent dûment mandaté
>Invasive-species mailing list
>Invasive-species at biodiversity.be
>Invasive-species mailing list
>Invasive-species at biodiversity.be

met vriendelijke groeten,

BECK Olivier
Brussels Instituut voor Milieubeheer - Institut bruxellois pour la gestion
de l'environnement
Afdeling Groene Ruimten - Division Espaces Verts
Departement Biodiversiteit - Département Biodiversité
Gulledelle 100
1200 Brussel - Bruxelles
tel: 02/775.77.14
fax: 02/775.77.21
obe at ibgebim.be

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