[Invasive-species] 9-10 March 2006 : SOS invasions !

BRANQUART Etienne E.Branquart at mrw.wallonie.be
Tue Jan 10 17:02:37 CET 2006

 Dear All,
Please find hereafter infomation about a forthcoming conference dedicated to Biological Invasions in Belgium, that will take place in Brussels, 9-10 March 2006. Information background, programme, registration form, etc. are availabe at : www.biodiversity.be/invasions  (English version is already active; French and Dutch versions will be activated in a near future).

'SOS invasions !' is an initiative which aims to review scientific knowledge and raise awareness on biological invasions in Belgium: how frequent they are, how they can be detected, how they spread in the environment, what is their origin, what is their impact within key economic sectors, which new species are expected to invade our country in a close future, etc. 

This will be organised as a two-days event. The first day will focus on ongoing scientific research on biological invasions in Belgium and is mainly dedicated to researchers. Note that workshop programme is already full but that any poster submission is still very welcome. The second day is intended for a broader audience, including decision makers, field managers and journalists; it will demonstrate how biological invasions can produce drastic detrimental impact on economy and environment and why they have to be considered as a high priority issue in Belgium.

Discussions will mainly focus on legislative tools and best practices to prevent the introduction of invasive species in new areas and to mitigate the impact of introduced species on environment, economy and public health.

This event is organised by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, the Belgian Focal Point for the Convention on Biological Diversity and the INPLANBEL project. It is sponsorised by the Science Policy Office and the FPS Health, Food , Chain Savety and Environment.

Please feel free to register on conference website and to circulate the information to your colleagues. Very best regards,

Etienne Branquart

Dr.  Etienne Branquart
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (SPO)
Ministere de la Region wallonne
Centre de Recherche de la Nature, des Forets et du Bois (DGRNE)
Avenue Marechal Juin, 23
B-5030 Gembloux- Belgium
Tel :   + 32 (0)81 620 420
Fax :  + 32 (0)81 620 436
E-mail : E.Branquart at mrw.wallonie.be
URL: http://www.biodiversity.be
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