[Invasive-species] Procambarus and Atyaephyra in Belgium

Dieter Anseeuw Dieter.Anseeuw at kuleuven-kortrijk.be
Tue Jan 17 08:53:40 CET 2006

Roger Cammaerts wrote:

>Dear Etienne, Tom and Jean-Pierre and others,
>Procambarus clarkii is known in Belgium only from two specimens, one found in a pond in 1986, the other in a small lake in 1996 in in a bad state. Since then, no other records of this species in the field. This crayfish originates from Louisiana and appaers not to withstand the winter in our country Thus, no problem.
About 10 years ago, I have had and bred Procambarus clarkii in an 
outdoor container. They do withstand our winters!

Kind regards,
Dieter Anseeuw

Dieter Anseeuw
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus Kortrijk
Subfaculteit Wetenschappen
Etienne Sabbelaan 53
B-8500 Kortrijk

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