[Invasive-species] IAS meetings on Monday May 14th

BRANQUART Etienne E.Branquart at mrw.wallonie.be
Fri Apr 20 14:17:24 CEST 2007

CG Invasive Alien Species - next meeting (14 May)
Dear colleagues,

I hereby would like to invite you to participate to two different IAS meetings that will be organised in Brussels on Monday 14th May:

1. Morning - BFIS meeting (science oriented): presentation of the ISEIA protocol and discussion about potential uses of black and watch lists,
2. Afternoon - Meeting of the IAS contact group (policy oriented).

1. The BFIS meeting will be dedicated to a presentation of the new ISEIA protocol (Invasive Species Environmental Impact Assessment), together with the results of working group meetings wherein a few non-native vascular plants, insects, fishes, birds and mammals were assessed. Discussions will focus on the scientific accreditation of black and watch lists and on potential uses of those lists to prioritise prevention and mitigation actions.

This meeting will take place at 9:30 at BELSPO, 8 rue de la Science/Wetenschapsstraat, 1000 Brussels (near the Luxemburg railway station and the Trône metro station). Please confirm your participation to e.branquart at mrw.wallonie.be

2. The contact group meeting will involve representatives of both the BFIS and the administrations of federal and regional levels. Among other points on the agenda: 
- organisation of a round table with the horticultural sector, 
- inventory of actions taken to prevent/mitigate biological invasions in Belgium, 
- impact assessement of IAS in Belgium and neighbour areas,
- designation of a national contact point for invasive plant issues related to the European Plant Protection Organization.

This meeting will take place at 14:00 at the Environment Federal Public Service, EUROSTATION bloc II, Place Victor Hortaplein 40, 1060 Brussels (near the Brussels South railway station), meeting room 9C19. Please confirm your participation to : Claire.Collin at health.fgov.be

I'm looking forward to meet you very soon. Have a nice and sunny WE,

Etienne Branquart


De volgende vergadering van de contactgroep Invasieve Uitheemse Soorten zal plaatsvinden op 14 mei 14u00 bij FOD leefmilieu (EUROSTATION blok II, Victor Hortaplein 40, 1060 Brussel, vergaderzaal 9 C19).
L’agenda proposé est le suivant :

    -       Adoption du PV des deux dernières réunions (GC du 15/01/2007 et réunion ad hoc du 19/02/2007) 
    <<PV REUNION GC IAS JANVIER 07_NL.doc>> <<PV Réunion GC espèces exotiques envahissantes janvier 07.doc>> <<GC INVASIEVE SOORTEN AD HOC 19 FEVRIER REV_NL.doc>> <<GC INVASIEVE SOORTEN ad hoc 19 fevrier rev.doc>> 

    -     Préparatifs de la Table ronde avec le secteur horticole 
    <<Note exploratoire table ronde draft1.doc>> 
    -     Finalisation de la "Note de répartition des taches entre les régions et le fédéral" et de l’ "Inventaire des actions prises dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie nationale biodiversité"

    <<Les actions menées en Belgique rev5.doc>> <<acties NSB janv07_IASter.xls>> <<discussion note follow up IAS_FR.doc>> <<DISCUSSION NOTE FOLLOW UP IAS_NL.doc>> 

     -    évaluation des risques des espèces exotiques: protocole belge et pistes de collaboration avec pays frontaliers 
    -     Décision BENELUX: adaptation à transmettre au Secrétariat Benelux   
    -     Développements au niveau EU (résultats du BEG: stratégie EU IAS, règlement EU aquaculture) 
    -       EPPO: Désignation d'un point de contact IAS  
    -       Divers 

        CMS: questionnaire 
        Atelier national  projet Issue BAsed Module 
        Convention de Berne - Groupe d'expert sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes (21-25 mai, Islande) 
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