[Invasive-species] Book on Biological Invasions (in Spanish)

Sandrine Godefroid sandrine.godefroid at br.fgov.be
Fri Nov 7 09:24:43 CET 2008

Dear all,

I just received this book from a Spanish colleague. It might be of 
interest to you as well.

Best regards,



Dr. Sandrine Godefroid
National Botanic Garden of Belgium
Domein van Bouchout
B-1860 Meise
Phone: 02/260.09.20 (ext. 275)
Fax: 02/260.09.45
e-mail: sandrine.godefroid at br.fgov.be 
<mailto:sandrine.godefroid at br.fgov.be>
Website: www.botanicgarden.be <http://www.botanicgarden.be>

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