[Invasive-species] Fwd: Questionnaire: Towards an early warning and information system for invasive alien species threatening biodiversity in Europe

Etienne Branquart ebranquart at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 17:45:39 CET 2008

Dear all,

Thank you very much for your input concerning the EEA questionnaire on early
warning issues.

Please find here attached the coordinated version I sent. Note that it
refers to an on-line questionnaire. It means that some of the subtle remarks
or additions you have made were not taken into account for technical reasons
(not always possible to add remarks, etc.).

Very best regards,

Etienne Branquart

2008/10/20 Etienne Branquart <ebranquart at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> As promised, I started to prepare a coordinated Belgian answer to the EEA
> questionnaire "Towards an early warning and information system for invasive
> alien species in Europe" (see the here attached document).
> May I ask you to have a look at it and add new information where relevant
> using the track change option of MS Word, preferably before the end of this
> week. I'll afterwards compile all of the comments, circulate them to the
> group and submit the questionnaire.
> Thank you very much in advance. Cheers,
> Etienne
> 2008/10/10 Etienne Branquart <ebranquart at gmail.com>
> Thanks a lot, Anne, for this information.
>> FYI, I discussed this issue with Piero Genovesi at the Neobiota conference
>> and agreed with him that a collective answer from Belgium would be more
>> adequate because questions mainly concern structural issues (databases,
>> national legislation, etc.). I therefore  started to compile information
>> with Claire Collin to be used as a collective answer to EEA by BFIS and the
>> Invasive Species Contact Group. I'll circulate it on the list in the
>> beginning of next week for additions, suggestions or comments.
>> Cheers,
>> Etienne
>> 2008/10/10 Anne Franklin <Anne.Franklin at naturalsciences.be>
>>>  For your information.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Anne Franklin
>>> Subject: Questionnaire: Towards an early warning and information system
>>> for invasive alien species threatening biodiversity in Europe
>>> Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 11:08:38 +0200
>>> From: Tor-Björn Larsson <Tor-Bjorn.Larsson at eea.europa.eu>
>>> To: <eionet-nrc-nature at roles.eea.eionet.europa.eu>
>>> Cc: <eionet-nfp at roles.eea.eionet.europa.eu>,
>>>         Ivone Pereira Martins <Ivone.PereiraMartins at eea.europa.eu>,
>>>         Joanna Karlsen <Joanna.Karlsen at eea.europa.eu>,
>>>         Piero Genovesi <piero.genovesi at infs.it>
>>> To the EIONET Primary Contact Points and National Reference Centres for
>>> Nature Protection and Biodiversity:
>>> *
>>> Towards an early warning and information system for invasive alien
>>> species threatening biodiversity in Europe
>>> *
>>> Invasive alien species are a major and increasing threat to European
>>> biodiversity, habitats, and economy. In line with the EU Biodiversity
>>> Communication 2006 an early warning system is needed to improve the ability
>>> of European states and institutions to respond to the threats posed by
>>> invasive alien species to biodiversity. Under a contract with the European
>>> Environment Agency (EEA) a feasibility study is carried out which includes a
>>> survey aiming at:
>>> -           assessing the existing information and mechanisms for risk
>>> assessment to respond to new arrivals of unwanted alien species which may
>>> threaten biodiversity and impact ecosystems, and
>>> -           identifying the main limits and constraints to rapid and
>>> effective action.
>>> For this a survey is carried out which can be found at:
>>> http://biodiversity-chm.eea.europa.eu/information/towards-early-warning-and-information-system
>>> We encourage you all to contribute to this survey and/or forward
>>> information to relevant experts and organisations in your country.  The
>>> questionnaire is rather short and simple, and could be completed online in
>>> about 15 minutes.
>>> *Deadline for responding is 31 October*.
>>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Tor-Bjorn Larsson
>>>  ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> Tor-Bjorn Larsson
>>> Project manager forest and biodiversity
>>> European Environment Agency
>>> Tel +45 3336 7120
>>> E-mail Tor-Bjorn.Larsson at eea.europa.eu
>>>  -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
>>>  *********************************************************
>>> Dr Anne Franklin
>>> Promoter - Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological
>>> Diversity
>>> Coordinator - Capacity building for biodiversity (a Belgian Development
>>> Cooperation programme)
>>> Coordinator - Programme of activities for the International Biodiversity
>>> Year (2010)
>>> Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
>>> Invertebrates Department
>>> Rue Vautier 29
>>> 1000 Brussels - Belgium
>>> Tel : +32-2-627.45.87
>>> Fax : +32-2-627.41.41
>>> E-mail : Anne.Franklin at naturalsciences.be
>>> * http://www.naturalsciences.be/biodiv
>>> *
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