[Invasive-species] COST Action Alien Challenge Short Term Scientific Missions - Call Date December 31

Sonia Vanderhoeven s.vanderhoeven at biodiversity.be
Tue Dec 3 16:05:41 CET 2013

Dear colleagues,

Attached are details of the second 2013 call for Short Term Scientific
Missions (STSMs) for COST Action Alien Challenge (TD1209).

Please forward this STSM announcement to all your relevant contacts: we
would like this information to be circulated to as many potential
applicants as possible.

Please note that proposals should be submitted before *31st December 2013*.

The COST Action Alien Challenge will facilitate enhanced knowledge
gathering and sharing through a network of experts, providing support to a
European IAS information system which will enable effective and informed
decision-making in relation to IAS. STSMs will facilitate knowledge
exchange and acquisition, and help to implement the Action’s objectives by
fostering collaboration, technology transfer and by tackling various
research needs.

Scientists interested in an STSM should submit a proposal by e-mail to Dr.
Frances Lucy (lucy.frances at itsligo.ie) and Dr. Elena Tricarico (
elena.tricarico at unifi.it).


Dr Sonia Vanderhoeven

Science Officer
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
www.biodiversity.b <http://www.biodiversity.be/>
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