[Invasive-species] Recall - announcement of the AlterIAS workshop on September 25th 2013 -

Mathieu Halford mhalford at ulg.ac.be
Fri Sep 6 10:41:36 CEST 2013

Dear colleagues,

May I recall you the final workshop of the AlterIAS LIFE project 
[ALTERnatives to Invasive Alien Species] which will be held at the 
University of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech on September 25th 2013.

Please find attached the program of the day (French and Dutch version).
More information is available on www.alterias.be
To participate to this event, you need to register online on our website.

Kind regards
Mathieu Halford
AlterIAS project coordinator 
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Ing. M. Halford
Unit? Biodiversit? & Paysage / Biodiversity & Landscape Unit
D?partement For?ts, Nature et Paysage / Forest, Nature and Landscape Department

Universit? de Li?ge
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (GxABT)
Passage des D?port?s, 2
5030 Gembloux
T?l. : 081/62.23.87
Fax : 081/82.28.02
Mail : mhalford at ulg.ac.be  
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