[Invasive-species] What's up with IAS ? 02/04/2015

Sonia Vanderhoeven s.vanderhoeven at biodiversity.be
Fri Feb 20 09:43:14 CET 2015

Dear colleagues,

On January 2015, the EU regulation on invasive alien species (IAS) entered
into forces. As other member states, Belgium has now to concretely
implement this legal instrument and the Belgian scientific community has an
important role to play in underpinning IAS policy and make the most of this
new tool.

Acting as a bridge between science and policy, the Belgian Forum on
Invasive Species <http://ias.biodiversity.be/definitions> (BFIS) invites
you to its information and exchange day taking place on the 2nd of April
from 10:00 to 15:00 at the Belgian Science Policy Office

In addition to discussion on the EU regulation and Belgian implementation,
we will benefit from this opportunity to address the following topics :

1 . Presentation of some projects funded by the BiodivERsA
<http://www.biodiversa.org/367> 2011-2012 call on IAS;

 2. IAS and IPBES <http://www.ipbes.net/> (Intergovernmental Platform for
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services): the role of experts

For registration, please click on this formulaire

For information, contact s.vanderhoeven at biodiversity.be
<s.vanderhoeven at gmail.com>

Best regards,

Dr Sonia Vanderhoeven

Science Officer
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
www.bi <http://www.biodiversity.be>odiversity.be

Direction de la Nature et de l'Eau
Avenue de la Faculté, 22
B-5030 Gembloux

Tél : 081/620 438

ORCID : 0000-0002-6298-5373
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