[Invasive-species] IPBES - last reminder: Call for nominations IAS experts
hilde eggermont
h.eggermont at biodiversity.be
Thu Jan 3 07:25:34 CET 2019
Dear all
Last reminder to join the *IPBES assessment on Invasive Alien Species*
(scoping document here
- as *regular/senior expert*: more info here
Application deadline 11 January.
- as *fellow*: more info here
(fellows are defined as persons in the early stages of their careers,
indicatively not older than 35 years of age and preferably not more than
5-7 years after having completed their academic degree; more information
about selection criteria here
Application deadline 15 February
*For those considering to apply as experts, please consider the following*:
The application form includes a section titled “Details of
Government/Organisation supporting your nomination”, into which you must
enter the following details for your application to be considered for
support by the Belgian government:
Type of nomination body: Government
Position of contact person: Belgian IPBES National Focal Point
Full name (nominator): Dr Hilde Eggermont
E-mail (nominator): h.eggermont at biodiversity.be
Phone number (nominator): +32-473 613675
Best regards, and all the best for the New Year!
Hilde E.
IPBES Belgian Focal Point <http://www.bioversity.be/ipbes>
*Hilde Eggermont*, PhD
Coordinator of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Vice-Chair of the BiodivERsA ERA-net <http://www.biodiversa.org/>/ IPBES
<http://www.biodiversity.be/ipbes> National Focal Point
IUCN <http://www.biodiversity.be/iucn> National Focal Point, and Councillor
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (OD Nature
Mobile: (+32) 473-613675; Skype: hildeeggermont; LinkedIn:
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