[Belgian Biodiversity Platform Newsflash] Biodiver sity Newsflash issue N°16
André heughebaert
aheugheb at ulb.ac.be
Wed Jul 18 17:40:04 CEST 2007
I do not had any request for authentication while getting the GBIF
call document.
Can you try once more?
But, I agree with you, the text font in the PDF is not the best one.
We should try to solve that doc to PDF problems. It's not the first time.
At 17:26 18/07/2007, Hendrik Segers wrote:
>Hi Julien
>That's incredibly fast, but could you please check the link to the
>call document? There's a request for authentication. It may be wise
>to add the link and a bit more text on page
>http://www.biodiversity.be/bbpf/news/show/178 - all this clicking
>for nothing...
>BTW, how come the text font in the pdf is so poor?
>Chrs, and thanks again,
> At 17:12 18/07/2007, Julien wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>The platform's 16th newsflash is out, you can get it at the following
>>address :
>>Content of the newsflash :
>>- Call for nominations for the 4th Ecological Niche Modeling workshop
>>that will take place 26-30 November in Warsaw, Poland
>>The Belgian Biodiversity Platform
>>Newsflash mailing list
>>Newsflash at biodiversity.be
>Dr Hendrik Segers
>Belgian Biodiversity Platform ( http://www.biodiversity.be/)
>Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (http://www.belspo.be )
>Freshwater Laboratory, Royal Belgian Institute of natural Sciences
>Vautierstraat 29, B - 1000 Brussels Belgium
>tel. --32(0)2.627.43.10 fax. --32(0)2.627.41.13 or - 4.33
>hendrik.segers at naturalsciences.be
Andre Heughebaert
IT software engineer
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (http://www.biodiversity.be)
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (http://www.belspo.be)
Tel:+32 2 650 5751 Fax: +32 2 650 5124
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