[Belgian Biodiversity Platform Newsflash] Biodiversity Newsflash issue N°45

Belgian Biodiversity Platform Newsflashes newsflash at biodiversity.be
Wed Jul 11 11:58:41 CEST 2012

Dear all,

The platform's 45th newsflash is out, you can get it at the following
address: http://www.biodiversity.be/files/1/4/4/1441.pdf

Content of the newsflash:
- BiodivERsA call 2012-2013: “Invasive Species and Biological Invasions”
- Call for new COST actions
- Release of two videos to put Biodiversity Research back on the agenda
- Belgium Ecosystem Services (BEES) follow-up
- New website on Antarctic Biodiversity Data
- Mapping and Assessing Belgian ecosystem services
- Managing biodiversity data from local government

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform

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