[Belgian Biodiversity Platform Newsflash] Belgian Biodiversity Platform 2015 Conference "Empowering Biodiversity Research" - Registration now open!
Belgian Biodiversity Platform Newsflashes
newsflash at biodiversity.be
Mon Feb 9 12:28:28 CET 2015
Dear colleague,
The Belgian Biodiversity Platform <http://biodiversity.be/> and several key
Biodiversity Informatics related partner
<http://www.biodiversity.be/conference2015/about/> institutes
<http://www.biodiversity.be/conference2015/about/> are pleased to invite
you to the Conference “*Empowering Biodiversity Research*”, which will take
place on May 21th 2015 in Brussels at the Palace of Academies
The conference will bring together representatives of national and
international scientific institutes to explore and discuss the
opportunities and strengths related to *Biodiversity Informatics and Open
Data*. Three keynote speakers will start the day :
1. Vince Smith, research leader in informatics at the Natural History
Museum <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/>, London
2. Dr Hilde Eggermont, Scientific Coordinator at the Belgian
Biodiversity Platform <http://biodiversity.be/>
3. Pieter Colpaert, Researcher at Open Knowledge Belgium
This will be followed by a series of lightning talks illustrating Belgian
research projects making use of biodiversity informatics tools. In the
afternoon, we will showcase some related state-of-the-art projects. During
the breaks, there will be, in addition to coffee and sweets, a poster
session <http://biodiversity.be/conference2015/submit-poster/> and a fair
<http://biodiversity.be/conference2015/fair/> where you can find
information and tools which can help you in your future research.
Biodiversity Informatics deals with the application of informatics
techniques to biodiversity information for improved management,
presentation, discovery, exploration and analysis of scientific data.
Combined with open data sources on the Internet, this is a powerful new
approach in doing research. With this conference, we hope to provide
networking opportunities and foster debate among participants. Through your
participation, you can help developing issues to be further explored by the
project, and to be fed into a series of dedicated workshops that will be
organised after the conference.
For more information on program and registration (small registration fee of
10 euro):http://www.biodiversity.be/conference2015/
If you have any questions, please contact us
<http://www.biodiversity.be/conference2015/contact/>. Please feel free to
also forward this invitation to other potentially interested colleagues or
We are looking forward to seeing you at our “Empowering Biodiversity
Research” Conference 2015 !
Kind Regards,
The Belgian Biodiversity Platform <http://www.biodiversity.be/>
and partners:
• Lifewatch Belgium <http://www.lifewatch.be/>
• Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
• Royal Museum for Central Africa
• Botanic Garden Meise <http://www.br.fgov.be/PUBLIC/GENERAL/index.php>
• Flanders Marine Institute <http://www.vliz.be/en>
• Université catholique de Louvain <http://www.uclouvain.be/>
• Research Institute for Nature and Forest <http://www.inbo.be/>
• Université Libre de Bruxelles <http://www.ulb.ac.be/>
• Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech <http://www.gembloux.ulg.ac.be/>
• *Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO)*
Pierre Huybrechts
*Belgian Biodiversity Platform*
*Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)*
Avenue Louise 231 Louizalaan
B-1050 Brussels
E-mail : p.huybrechts at biodiversity.be
http://vimeo.com/114955090 (data publication activities)
http://vimeo.com/114955160 (science-policy activities)
http://vimeo.com/114955193 (our general mission)
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