[IPBES Pan-European Stakeholders] Update on IPBES Pan-European Stakeholder Consultations

hilde eggermont h.eggermont at biodiversity.be
Thu Jul 16 12:58:28 CEST 2020

Dear Pan-European Stakeholders of IPBES,

Dear Colleagues

Since 2013, the Europe and Central Asia Network of organisations engaging
in IPBES <http://www.ipbes.eu/>  and other relevant organisations have been
organizing Pan-European Stakeholder Consultations
<http://www.ipbes.eu/2176> (i.e.
the so-called PESC meetings) aiming to support the engagement of
stakeholders in the IPBES Work Programme at regional scale. We were hoping
to organize our 6th Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation in Belarus
towards the end of the summer, but due to covid-19 we have to postpone such
a face-to-face meeting.

Together with the IPBES Capacity Building TSU, IUCN and IBN, we have been
reflecting on possible ways forward to keep the momentum during these
challenging times, and to keep stakeholders engaged in the implementation
of the IPBES Work Programme. Herewith, we would like to give you a heads up
on upcoming PESC meetings:

   - *Towards the end of September 2020*, we plan to organize a virtual 6th
   Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation (PESC-6) focusing on the review of
   the First Order Draft of the Invasive Alien Species assessment
   <https://ipbes.net/invasive-alien-species-assessment>. This meeting will
   also be a good opportunity to get up to speed regarding the rolling IPBES
   Work Programme, and to exchange best practices between national
   platforms/focal points.
   - *Possibly towards the end of January/early February 2021*, but
   depending on the trajectory of the covid pandemic, we hope to organize the
   7th Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation (PESC-7) in the beautiful
   Berezinsky Reserve, Belarus.  The meeting would focus on the engagement of
   stakeholders in the review of the Second Order Drafts of the Sustainable
   Use assessment
   <https://ipbes.net/sustainable-use-wild-species-assessment>, and the Values
   assessment <https://ipbes.net/values-assessment>. And of course, it
   would be a great opportunity to re-connect in person, discuss, exchange
   best practices and celebrate the good work of IPBES!

We will keep you informed on the actual dates. Meanwhile, we wish you a
very nice summer. Stay safe & healthy,

Best regards,

the ECA network


*ps - We also recommend you to subcribe to the Open-Ended Network of IPBES
Stakeholders, <https://onet.ipbes.net/> not to miss out on
globally-relevant news. You can register*

[image: ecanetworklogo.png]
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