[ECA] New contact lists for ECA-Network & Introduction

Thor Hjarsen thor.hjarsen at snm.ku.dk
Tue Feb 7 12:29:27 CET 2017

Dear all

This communication means is perfect. Thanks. And let me briefly introduce myself:

I am the new national IPBES-coordinator in Denmark responsible for involving the relevant Danish science and expert communities in the IPBES work – and informing the decision makers and public about the IPBES outcomes. I am not replacing the official focal point person who still is Mette Gervin Damsgaard, at the Danish EPA. We are working together. I am placed at the University of Copenhagen and the position is funded by three Danish universities.

I am still working on our new website ipbes.dk and a logo will appear soon. IPBES in Denmark also have a twitter and Facebook.

Looking forward to meet your all in Bonn.

All the best / mange hilsner fra

Thor Hjarsen, M. Sc., Conservation biology
Senior consultant and IPBES coordinator

The Danish coordination office for IPBES in Denmark
c/o Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC)
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15, building 3
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Direct phone: +45 3533 0179
Mobile phone: +45 4090 4666
Mail: thor.hjarsen at snm.ku.dk<https://webmail.ku.dk/OWA/redir.aspx?C=CEdEhdLppdo3MWMJLzrY5PZbIry3lovfsi9BMBdK5efUEeEqH-HTCA..&URL=mailto%3athor.hjarsen%40snm.ku.dk>
International IPBES website for information: www.ipbes.net<http://www.ipbes.net/> (Danish website in construction)

IPBES er den mellemstatslige platform for biodiversitet og økosystemtjenester tiltrådt af Danmark i 2012 sammen med 124 andre lande – på engelsk: The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Formålet er, at sikre biodiversitet og økosystemers funktion ved at tilvejebringe neutral, forskningsbaseret viden for beslutningstagere. IPBES er associeret med UNEP, UNESCO, FAO og UNDP og det internationale sekretariat er placeret i Bonn. Det danske sekretariat for IPBES i Danmark blev etableret september 2016 i et samarbejde mellem Syddansk Universitet, Århus Universitet, Københavns Universitet, samt Miljøstyrelsen.

From: Eca-network [mailto:eca-network-bounces at bebif.be] On Behalf Of Angelique Berhault
Sent: 7. februar 2017 12:20
To: eca-network at bebif.be
Subject: [ECA] New contact lists for ECA-Network

Dear all,

A new list of contacts was created to exchange emails among those involved in the ECA Network.
The email address is: eca-network at bebif.be<mailto:eca-network at bebif.be>

When you send an email to this address, all the people mentioned in the list in attachment will receive your email.
This will simplify our communications between each other and avoid having some people dropped from some email exchanges regarding the ECA Network.

Could you let me know if you agree with this new communication tool?
Also, if you would like to add someone on this list, or be removed from it, thank you for letting me know.

Best regards,

Angélique Berhault
Belgian Biodiversity Platform - Communication Coordinator
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
Avenue Louise, 231
1050 Brussels - BELGIUM
Tel. +32 (0)2.627.43.19.
a.berhault at biodiversity.be<mailto:a.berhault at biodiversity.be>
http://vimeo.com/114955193 (our general mission)
http://vimeo.com/114955090 (data publication activities)
http://vimeo.com/114955160 (science-policy activities)

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