[ECA] Planning for PESC-4

Elisabeth Marquard lisa.marquard at ufz.de
Fri Feb 10 12:16:34 CET 2017

Dear Agnès, dear all,

thank you very much your email and the concept note. This looks like a very interesting program. And I am very excited about the fact that PESC goes on!! Thanks for your efforts and the 'friendly takeover' by France and Hungary!! 

Just some thoughts from my side:

Regarding the desired composition of participants: I don't know which of your 'scenarios' may work better but I always think that involving people from the administrations of different sectors could be fruitful since they are one of the main target groups of IPBES products, aren't they? Maybe they could contribute their view on how the ECA assessment or its SPM might be received more effectively? This would perhaps rather address the later dissemination and outreach than the SOD itself....

In any case, the audience will probably be a mixture of people that are fairly well acquainted with IPBES and people that are newcomers to the process (unless you deliberately chose only IPBES-experienced experts?). And this remains a serious challenge, in particular when it comes to the 'reviewing exercise'. So I wonder whether it might be worth considering running the 'reviewing break-out groups' in parallel with some other break-out group that does not require familiarity with the SOD. You could e.g. have break-out groups for the Chapter 1-4 in parallel with one that addresses some other topic (e.g. the national platforms or other forms of national/regional coordination) and then later break-out groups for Chapters 5-6 in parallel with one that addresses the next IPBES work program. Otherwise, participants that have not prepared for reviewing a chapter might be a little lost during the afternoon of day 1 and 2?

Regarding the organization of the review: One lesson that I learned during PESC-3 was that we had not prepared the review of the individual chapters sufficiently. I think you are already discussing this issue with the TSU for the ECA assessment and you are now more experienced than I was last year - so I am pretty sure that you will perform better than I did. And I like the idea that a CLA will give an intro to a chapter. But just some additional thoughts: Would it be possible to communicate some of 'what is expected from the 2nd review' to the participants already before PESC-4? Such as the degree of flexibility that still exists? Or to identify some key aspects they should concentrate on? Or to give them some more instructions such that each participant needs to fill in his/her own excel sheet (if this is required by the TSU)? Maybe, the participants will ignore this information but maybe it's worth a try? And, of course, as you know, the accessibility of the documents was really an issue before PESC-3.

Regarding the stakeholder engagement and the discussion of stakeholder's needs: I wonder how the material that has already been collected on this issue could be used more effectively, i.e. how to avoid that the discussion on the needs and barriers is more or less the same as at previous meetings? I have not really a good idea how this could be done when there are many newcomers at the table.... Maybe some more knowledge holders could be given a voice? E.g. someone from the administration or some practitioner who is actually contributing to or USING an IPBES product?

These are just some things that have come to my mind while reading the concept note. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss some of this further.

Best wishes


Am 09.02.17 17:01 schrieb Agnes HALLOSSERIE  <agnes.hallosserie at fondationbiodiversite.fr>: 
> Dear all, 
> As you may have seen, we have released a save-the-date earlier this week regarding PESC-4 next June. Please feel free to circulate the message within your network, and let me know if you have not received it. 
> I send you here the concept note with some updates, with two main points I would particularly like your feedback on:
> 	I suggested two scenarios regarding the participants we would like to see at PESC-4 in order to achieve the meeting's objectives. What do you think would be best? Other combinations are possible so feel free to suggest one if you think it would fit the purpose better;
> 	Regarding travel support for participants coming from Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries, we estimated based on previous PESCs costs that we would need a total budget of 18 000€ to cover travel, accommodation and food for eligible participants. The target of 30 funded participants (half of total participants number) is based on the ratio of funded participants from previous PESCs. 
> I look forward to getting your views on this or any other point related to PESC!
> Best wishes, 
> Agnès Hallosserie   
> Secretary of the French Committee for IPBES 
> Foundation for Research on Biodiversity 
> 195, rue Saint Jacques 75005 Paris  
> http://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/en <agnes.hallosserie at fondationbiodiversite.fr" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; ">agnes.hallosserie at fondationbiodiversite.fr   
> Tel : +33 (0)1 80 05 89 32 
> De :  Agnes HALLOSSERIE <agnes.hallosserie at fondationbiodiversite.fr>
> Date :  jeudi 26 janvier 2017 15:56
> Objet :  Planning for PESC-4
> Dear all, 
> After some initial discussions with colleagues in NeFo and the Hungarian Centre for Ecological Research, we would like to submit you the idea of organizing the 4th edition of the pan-european stakeholders consultation (PESC) in Hungary (specific location to be decided in the coming days). The French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) would be happy to lead the process for developing the meeting documents and organising the logistics, with the support of the colleagues in Hungary who kindly agreed to host the meeting around the dates of 12-14 June 2017. 
> You will find more details on the proposed work in the concept note attached. I would greatly appreciate if you could have a look at the concept note and send me feedback on the relevance of the topics, objectives and programme for PESC-4, along with any thoughts or suggestions you may have to make this meeting as useful as possible for the stakeholders of the larger pan-European region. This is a very first draft so feel free to share any of your thoughts! 
> I would also welcome any proposal for in-kind or in-cash support for the organisation of the meeting. If there is a session or area of work you're particularly keen to work on (facilitation, chairing, presentation etc), please let me know! As for the in-cash contributions, you may remember that PESC usually provides some financial support for participants coming from countries where budget can be an issue, like in some Eastern Europe or Central Asian countries. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would have a small sum to put in the common pot so that I know early enough how many participants could benefit from such a financial support. 
> Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions on the documents, otherwise I look forward to receiving your first impressions on the concept note! 
> All the best, 
> Agnes  
> Agnès Hallosserie   
> Secretary of the French Committee for IPBES 
> Foundation for Research on Biodiversity 
> 195, rue Saint Jacques 75005 Paris  
> http://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/en <agnes.hallosserie at fondationbiodiversite.fr" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; ">agnes.hallosserie at fondationbiodiversite.fr   
> Tel : +33 (0)1 80 05 89 32 

Dr. Elisabeth Marquard
Department Naturschutzforschung
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15 / 04318 Leipzig / Germany
Telefon +49 341 235 1835 / Fax +49 341 235 1470
elisabeth.marquard at ufz.de / www.ufz.de
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Leipzig
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Leipzig, Handelsregister Nr. B 4703
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDirig Wilfried Kraus
Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Georg Teutsch
Administrativer Geschäftsführer: Dr. Andreas Schmidt
Netzwerk-Forum zur Biodiversitätsforschung Deutschland
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