[ECA] Meeting with ECA 2mrw lunch time?
Ruslan Novitsky
nramphi at mail.ru
Mon Apr 29 12:37:37 CEST 2019
Dear All,
Please read the time-table of ongoing assessments before our meeting (Appendix 3, p.15).
>Понедельник, 29 апреля 2019, 12:24 +03:00 от Ruslan Novitsky <nramphi at mail.ru>:
>Dear All,
>I will be wait on reception at 1.50 PM
>>Понедельник, 29 апреля 2019, 12:15 +03:00 от Elisabeth Marquard < lisa.marquard at ufz.de >:
>>Dear all,
>>I arrive in Paris only on Wednesday evening. But I am looking
>> forward to hearing about your discussions.
>>Wishing you a productive meeting,
>>Am 29.04.2019 um 10:42 schrieb hilde
>> eggermont:
>>>Dear Ruslan, all
>>>Reception 7.30pm @the Museum works for me, instead of
>>> lunchtime. Eva & Astrid - can you also make it then?
>>> and what about the others?
>>>Otherwise we could stick to lunchtime - 1.50pm
>>> closer to DSA area , as proposed by Ruslan.
>>> Confirmed are:
>>>- Ruslan
>>>- Malte
>>>- Kristina
>>>- Cecilia
>>>- Diana
>>>- Hilde
>>>Seems Jari & Isabel won't be able to make it today,
>>>Op ma 29 apr. 2019 om
>>> 10:30 schreef Ruslan Novitsky < nramphi at mail.ru >:
>>>>Dear All,
>>>>If you will be take part in invited dinar, we can
>>>> meet there, or tomorrow Tuesday during lunch time.
>>>>What do you think?
>>>>Best wishes
>>>>Ruslan Novitsky
>>>>Отправлено из Mail.Ru для Android понедельник, 29 апреля 2019г., 07:25 +02:00 от
>>>> "Hilgers, drs. A.K. (Astrid)" a.k.hilgers at minlnv.nl :
>>>>>Dear Hilde,
>>>>>I think that is a very good
>>>>> idea indeed, although today at lunchtime I
>>>>> need to be in the meeting of the
>>>>> pollinators Coalition of the willing.
>>>>>Kind regards,
>>>>>Op 28 apr. 2019 om 18:31 heeft hilde
>>>>> eggermont < h.eggermont at biodiversity.be >
>>>>> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>dear all
>>>>>>talked to a few colleagues, and
>>>>>> we thought it could be good to meet
>>>>>> up with the ECA network in the
>>>>>> margins of IPBES-7 to discuss
>>>>>> forthcoming activities within the
>>>>>> network - incl the possible
>>>>>> organisation of PESC-6 next year.
>>>>>>We were thinking tomorrow might
>>>>>> be a good moment (still peace 'n
>>>>>> quiet ..:), over lunch time, between
>>>>>> 1-3PM? I am also copying this
>>>>>> message to Malte who is no longer
>>>>>> (officially) in ECA but clearly
>>>>>> still heavily involved, as well as
>>>>>> to our colleague Ruslan Novitsky
>>>>>> (also MEP) as he told us there might
>>>>>> be interest from Belarus to host the
>>>>>> next PESC meeting. Would be good to
>>>>>> have both at our ad hoc meeting
>>>>>>In case you think it is a good
>>>>>> idea/moment to meet up - I'd be
>>>>>> happy to hear.
>>>>>>We could meet up in the central
>>>>>> area at the ground floor,
>>>>>>warm regards
>>>>>> Eggermont , PhD
>>>>>> of the Belgian
>>>>>> Biodiversity
>>>>>> Platform
>>>>>> of the BiodivERsA Partnership
>>>>>>IPBES National Focal Point
>>>>>>IUCN National Focal Point, and IUCN
>>>>>> Councillor
>>>>>> Belgian
>>>>>> Institute of
>>>>>> Natural
>>>>>> Sciences ( OD Nature )
>>>>>> (+32)
>>>>>> 473-613675;
>>>>>> Skype:
>>>>>> hildeeggermont;
>>>>>> LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/hildeeggermont
>>>>>>Eca-network mailing list
>>>>>>Eca-network at bebif.be
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>>> Eggermont , PhD
>>> of the Belgian
>>> Biodiversity
>>> Platform
>>> of the BiodivERsA Partnership
>>>IPBES National Focal Point
>>>IUCN National Focal Point, and IUCN
>>> Councillor
>>> Belgian
>>> Institute of
>>> Natural
>>> Sciences ( OD Nature )
>>> (+32)
>>> 473-613675;
>>> Skype:
>>> hildeeggermont;
>>> LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/hildeeggermont
>>>Eca-network mailing list
>>>Eca-network at bebif.be
>>Dr. Elisabeth Marquard
>>Department Ökonomie / Department of Economics
>>Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
>>Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
>>Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
>>Phone +49 341 235 1835
>>lisa.marquard at ufz.de, www.ufz.de
>>Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Leipzig
>>Registergericht/Registration Office: Amtsgericht Leipzig
>>Handelsregister Nr./Trade Register Nr.: B 4703
>>Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: MinDirig Wilfried Kraus
>>Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer/Scientific Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Georg Teutsch
>>Administrative Geschäftsführerin/Administrative Managing Director: Dr. Sabine König
>>SURFACE - www.ufz.de/surface
>>NeFo - www.biodiversity.de
>Новицкий Р.В.
>Зав. сектором экологической оценки преобразований окружающей среды
>Центр по биоресурсам НАН Беларуси
>ул.Академическая 27
>220072 Минск, Беларусь
>тел. +375 17 3321639
>факс. +375 17 2841036
>моб. +375 29 6112368
>e-mail: nramphi at mail.ru
Новицкий Р.В.
Зав. сектором экологической оценки преобразований окружающей среды
Центр по биоресурсам НАН Беларуси
ул.Академическая 27
220072 Минск, Беларусь
тел. +375 17 3321639
факс. +375 17 2841036
моб. +375 29 6112368
e-mail: nramphi at mail.ru
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