[Invasive-species] Worst invasive species threatening biodiversity in Europe

BRANQUART Etienne E.Branquart at mrw.wallonie.be
Thu Feb 9 16:06:26 CET 2006

Invasive Alien SpeciesDear forum members,  

Please find hereafter a draft list of the worst invasive species in Europe I received from Catherine Debruyne. This list was prepared by the SEBI 2010 Expert Group on IAS (see http://biodiversity-chm.eea.eu.int/information/indicator/F1090245995/F1115192484). The main criterion used to identify the worst IAS is that they seriously impact biodiversity in Europe through e.g. altering native ecosystem function or through replacing or hybridizing with native species. In addition, several of them have negative consequences for human activities, health and/or economic interests, i.e. are pests, pathogens or vectors of diseases.

It is interesting to see that the SEBI 2010 expert group uses similar criteria as those proposed for the Belgian black list and that both lists are very similar. I do not think that it means that our work is useless as they are applicable at different scales. For example, some species included into the European list cannot develop populations under climatic conditions in Belgium. Conversely, other species that make a threat to Belgian biodiversity have only a low impact at European scale.

I think that this list is certainly a valuable tool to fill the gaps and refine the work to prepare Belgian black and watch lists. Note that to avoid having a very long list including all the pest species for agriculture and sylviculture, they decided to exclude IAS that threaten economic interests but not biodiversity. Probably a good idea for us as well...

I'll make use of this list and of your contributions to propose a new draft version of Belgian black and watch lists in a near future. Note that the forum can eventually make some suggestions to the European expert group for inclusion of new species before the end of the month.

Best regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: LASEN DIAZ Carolina 
To: P.Dewolf at mrw.wallonie.be ; hardalovar at moew.government.bg ; lompo.zourata at univ-ouaga.bf ; andrea.stefan at min-kulture.hr ; kristijan.civic at dzzp.hr ; jarmila_loncakova at nature.cz ; hes at sns.dk ; mihaly at mail.kvvm.hu ; jgo at ni.is ; biscardi.stefania at minambiente.it ; lisa.gambin at mepa.org.mt ; stela.drucios at mediu.moldova.md ; egreta at mediu.moldova.md ; svein-t.batvik at dirnat.no ; aiqueiroz at mail.telepac.pt ; egojdic at sopsr.sk ; bheredia at mma.es ; jareces at mma.es ; jmayol at dgcapea.caib.es ; vfortesa at dgcapea.caib.es ; jaoliver at dgcapea.caib.es ; Melanie.josefsson at snv.slu.se ; j.w.sneep at minlnv.nl ; maher24705 at yahoo.fr ; flora at ln.ua ; Linda.j.smith at defra.gsi.gov.uk ; brenda.mayle at forestry.gsi.gov.uk ; jrita at uib.es ; vieaemb at uib.es ; taib at mallorcaweb.net ; fina.casals at cime.es ; t.palou at calvet.es ; luis.santamaria at uib.es ; piero.genovesi at infs.it ; a.saunders at auckland.ac.nz ; invasionesbiologicas at geib.org.es ; b.zilletti at geib.org.es ; l.capdevila at geib.org.es ; s.brunel at cbnmed.org ; pfa.life at cime.es ; atraveset at uib.es 
Cc: de CUSSAC Veronique ; Tor-Bjorn.Larsson at eea.eu.int 
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 3:53 PM
Subject: Invasive Alien Species

Dear all 
As you know , the European E nvironment Agency (EEA) is involved in developing a list of worst invasive species threatening biodiversity in Europe. This is part of the SEBI2010 process and you can access information on this, including the Expert Group on trends in invasive alien species, at : http://biodiversity-chm.eea.eu.int/information/indicator/F1090245995 

As discussed at last year's meeting of the Group of Experts on Invasive Alien Species in Mallorca, SEBI2010 has prepared a draft list of worst invasive species threatening biodiversity in Europe and is circulating it for comments by the Bern Convention Group of Experts on IAS . 

I attach a 'Cover note' from EEA inform ing about the context of this initiative, a 'Draft documentation form' and a form to submit new proposals . 

E xtensive background descriptions for the proposed species will be soon available at : 
The EEA is inviting comments particularly on: 
1) The criteria used 
2) The overall 'balance' of the identified species for this list, e.g. with respect to taxonomic groups, ecosystems, geographic areas and types of impacts. 

3) Comments on species identified and the species documentations. Additional information on e.g. the impact and geographic distribution most welcome! 

4) Proposals for additional species. We welcome such proposals with a documentation form filled in for the species in question. 

Please send your comments to : Melanie.Josefsson at snv.slu.se and Tor-Bjorn.Larsson at eea.eu.int no later than 27 February 2006. 

Carolina Lasén Díaz 
Natural Heritage Division
Directorate General IV
Council of Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)3 90 21 56 79
Fax +33 (0)3 88 41 37 51
E-mail: carolina.lasen-diaz at coe.int

<<Cover note Final draft.doc>> <<Documentation worst invasive species Final draft 2006-02-03.doc>> <<Worst invasives form.doc>> 
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