[Invasive-species] two articles on the invasive alien Fallopia in Belgium

Marie Solange TIEBRE tiebre.ms at fsagx.ac.be
Wed Nov 28 15:58:07 CET 2007

Dear Sir, Madam,

Please find in attachment copies of two articles on the study of the role 
of hybridization for the evolution of the invasive alien Fallopia in 
Belgium in the annals of Botany and the American Journal of Botany.

Yours sincerely,

Marie-Solange Tiébré and Gregory Mahy

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Dr Marie-Solange Tiébré
Laboratory of Ecology
Gembloux Agricultural University
2, Passage des Déportés
5030 Gembloux, Belgium
Phone: 00 32 (0) 81 622 240
Fax: 00 32 (0) 81 614 817

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